There are currently no openings for grants.

Our Mission:


Our mission help underprivileged youth reach their full potential by supporting innovative youth-serving organizations in the geographic areas conducive to RMYF board members forging meaningful partnerships with grant recipients.

Current Grant locations:

Greater metropolitan areas of Boston MA, Los Angeles CA, Milwaukee WI, San Francisco CA, and Washington, D.C.

RMYF issues two types of grants:

1. Innovation Grants support innovative services for helping underprivileged youth reach their full potential. Innovation Grants are available to youth-serving nonprofit organizations within RMYF geographic areas and can be for as much as $20,000.

2. Advancement Grants support past RMYF grant recipients that have demonstrated that their innovative services effectively help youth reach their full potential. Advancement grants aim to help organizations serve more youth, serve youth more effectively or otherwise evolve to have a greater impact. Advancement grants are only available to prior RMYF grantees invited to apply. 

Find out if your organization is in an eligible location.

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